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AP Courses vs. Dual Credit Courses


  • Advanced Placement: The AP Program allows students to take college-level exams, and potentially earn college credit or placement while still earning high school credits.
  • Dual Credit: Dual Credit classes allow high school students to earn both high school and college credit by completing college courses at their high school.


  • Advanced Placement: Dual Credit classes allow high school students to earn both high school and college credit by completing college courses at their high school.
  • Dual Credit: Credit is awarded by the partner university (Missouri State, University of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri University of Science and Technology) and their student letter grade is given by their high school teacher of record. The credit and grade is included on the college transcript when complete.


  • Advanced Placement: The course is taught by high school faculty using the rigorous curriculum provided by AP.
  • Dual Credit: Dual credit courses are taught by high school teachers who also serve as adjunct college instructors using the curriculum approved by the university.

College/University Acceptance

  • Advanced Placement: Credit is accepted by many colleges and universities. Credit typically requires a score of 3 or higher out of a total of 5 on the exam. Verify with specific schools to be certain.
  • Dual Credit: Dual credit classes transfer to most public colleges and universities in MO. Verify with specific schools to be certain.


  • Advanced Placement: Open to any students who take an AP class at KHS.
  • Dual Credit: Open to any students who meet the prerequisites set by the partner university, including minimum GPA, and possible recommended ACT scores


  • Advanced Placement: The costs of AP exams are incurred by the student. Subsidies may be available for students demonstrating financial need. The 2025-2026 estimated exam rate is $103
  • Dual Credit: Students are responsible for tuition at the rate set by the partner university. The rate is typically much less than the on-campus rate per credit hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the first step to register for both or either an AP exam or a dual credit class? 

  • Advanced Placement:: Students will register through their MY AP Account that they have created in their AP classes. Late fees become assigned if students register in November. Students register for the exam via “My AP” and payment for the exam(s) will be through “Total Registration.” 
  • Dual credit: Students will need to create a dual credit account from the universities website in which they are getting credit from. Parent/guardian consent will be required before applications can be completed. Institutions will bill for the credit after the initial registration. 

When do I have to register? Are there deadlines? 

  • Students that register for an AP exam in November will incur a late registration fee. 
  • Each institution (college/university) will have deadlines associated with registration. Check with your teacher or go to that institution's dual credit website to become familiar with dual credit application deadlines. 

What are the benefits of taking an AP or dual credit course? 

  • Exposure to college-level instruction! Enrolling in a postsecondary institution or taking a class equivalent to college curriculum while in high school gives students the experience of taking a college level class. 

Dual Credit versus AP Classes- Which should you choose? 

  • In AP classes, the results of one test determine whether or not you receive college credit. In dual enrollment, multiple factors count towards a student’s final grade.
  • Dual enrollment tends to be more expensive than the cost of the AP test
  • AP classes may be easier to add to a student’s existing schedule; dual enrollment is not as standardized in accessibility.
  • Taking either or both dual credit and/or AP classes may help you stand out in your applications to certain colleges and universities.