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College Credit Programs

Dual Credit classes provide opportunities for students to take college courses on our high school campus. Benefits of taking dual credit classes include an advanced start on college credits, reduced costs, and the challenge of completing university coursework while in high school. Dual credit availability is subject to change.
Student Eligibility
  • Juniors and Seniors with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) are eligible for dual credit.
  • Juniors and Seniors with at least a 2.5 are eligible for dual credit with permission from their counselor/principal/teacher and their parent/guardian.
  • Sophomores with at least a 3.0 are eligible for dual credit with permission from their counselor/principal/teacher and their parent/guardian.
  • Freshmen with at least a 3.0, a score at the 90th percentile or above on the ACT or SAT and permission from their counselor/principal/teacher and their parent/guardian.
The following universities/colleges offer dual credit at Kirkwood High School:

Missouri State University Dual Credit Courses
Kirkwood Course Title Missouri State Course Title Credit Hours
Accounting I ACC109 The Accounting Cycle 1
Advanced Marketing MKT150 Marketing Fundamentals 3
Anatomy and Physiology I and II (Pending approval)  
AP Biology BIO121 General Biology I 4
AP Chemistry--Semester 1 CHM160/161 General Chemistry 1 plus Lab 5
AP Chemistry--Semester 2 CHM 170/171 General Chemistry II Lecture and Lab 4
AP Human Geography GRY100 World Regional Geography 3
AP Language and Composition--Semester 1 ENG110 Writing I 3
AP Language and Composition--Semester 2 ENG210 Writing II 3
AP Literature and Composition--Semester 1 ENG200 Great Books and Instant Classics 3
AP Literature and Composition--Semester 2 ENG282 Literature by Women 3
AP Psychology PSY121 Introductory Psychology 3
Business Communications MGT 286 Business Comm and Prof Development 3
Child Development I CFD160 Principles of Development in Early Childhood 3
Child Development II CFD260 Observe, Create Activities for Young Children 4
Chinese III Honors CHI102 Elementary Chinese II 3
Chinese IV Honors CHI201 Intermediate Chinese I 3
Computer Applications I and II ITC200 Critical and Creative Thinking Using IT 3
Drama I THE101 Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts 3
Economics ECO165 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Entrepreneurship BUS135 Introduction to Business 3
French III Honors FRN102 Elementary French II 3
French IV Honors FRN 201 Intermediate French I 3
AP French Language and Culture FRN202 Intermediate French II 3
German III Honors GRM102 Elementary German II 3
German IV Honors GRM201 Intermediate German I 3
AP German Language and Culture  GRM 202 Intermediate German II 3
Intro to Fashion and Interior Design DFM103 Fashion Visuals 3
Music Theory MUS103 Theory and Musicianship I 3
Personal Finance FIN150 Personal Finance 3
Public Speaking COM115 Fundamental Public Speaking 3
Senior Lit and Comp I--Semester 1 (Philosophy and Culture) ENG200 Great Books and Instant Classics 3
Senior Lit and Comp I--Semester 2 (Philosophy and Culture) ENG289 Literature Culture and Social Justice 3
Senior Lit and Comp II--Semester 1 (Monsters and Madness) ENG200 Great Books and Instant Classics 3
Senior Lit and Comp II--Semester 2 (Monsters and Madness) ENG289 Literature Culture and Social Justice 3
Senior Lit and Comp III--Semester 1 (Creative Writing and Contemporary Lit) ENG200 Great Books and Instant Classics 3
Senior Lit and Comp III--Semester 2 (Creative Writing and Contemporary Lit) ENG289 Literature Culture and Social Justice 3
Spanish III Honors SPN102 Elementary Spanish II 3
Spanish IV Honors SPN201 Intermediate Spanish I 3
AP Spanish Language and Culture SPN202 Intermediate Spanish II 3
Startup! BUS135 Introduction to Business 3


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Kirkwood Course Title Missouri S and T Course Title Credit Hours
Introduction to Engineering Design* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
Principles of Engineering* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
Aerospace Engineering* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
Civil Engineering and Architecture* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design 3
Computer Integrated Manufacturing* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
Digital Electronics* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
Engineering Design and Development* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
Environmental Sustainability* MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design  
AP Computer Science Principles IS&T 1312: Computer Programming Exposure 3

*Must take any two of the accepted classes to have the option of receiving MECH ENG 1720: Introduction to Engineering Design, a freshman class required of all Missouri S and T engineering majors.

University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL) Dual Credit Courses

Kirkwood Course Title UMSL Course Title Credit Hours
Calculus MATH1800 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I 5
AP Calculus AB MATH1800 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I 5
AP Calculus BC MATH1900 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II 5
AP Statistics MATH1320 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
Ceramics II START2270 Ceramics I 3
Drawing II START1140 Drawing I 3
Painting START 2245 Painting I 3
Sculpture START2275 Sculpture I 3
AP Art History--Semester 1 ARTHS1100 Introduction to Western Art 3
AP Art History--Semester 2 ARTHS2280 Modern to Contemporary Art 3
AP 2-D Art and Design START1150 2D Design: Surface 3
AP 3-D Art and Design START1151 3D Design: Space 3
AP Drawing START2230 Drawing II 3