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Special Education

In conjunction with the Kirkwood School District, the Special School District of St. Louis County (SSD) provides special education staff, services, and programs for Kirkwood students who meet Missouri DESE eligibility requirements for an educational disability and who have an IEP (Individualized Education Program). Through evaluation, a student must meet eligibility criteria for a particular disability area and demonstrate an adverse impact on education and requirements for special education services.

The student’s IEP Team- which includes the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s), special education teacher, general education teacher, District representative (administrator and/or counselor) and, as appropriate, the student- makes all decisions regarding a student’s “individualized education program” (IEP) and “free appropriate public education” (FAPE). Emphasis is placed on providing services in the “least restrictive environment” (LRE) and supporting the student in the general education curriculum and environment to the extent possible.  The type and amount of special education and related services, service delivery models, settings in which the services are delivered, curriculum modifications, accommodations, and all other educational decisions related to the student’s disability are to be made by the IEP Team to meet educational and transitional goals.

Special education services can be provided in various ways, depending on the student’s needs and as outlined in the student’s IEP.  Through data-based team decision-making, to prepare students for life after high school and to assist students in meeting their post-secondary outcomes, students at Kirkwood High School may access specially designed instruction, services, and supports through the following instructional models:

  • Cooperative Teaching (CT): Special education services are provided in core academic courses through collaborative planning and co-teaching involving a Kirkwood content area teacher and a special education teacher who provides specially designed instruction to assist students in accessing the gen ed curriculum. 
  • Replacement/Modified Core Academic Courses: These courses, based on the Kirkwood course curriculum, involve direct instruction by a special education teacher in content areas (e.g., math, reading, writing, science, and social studies) explicitly tailored to a student’s learning objectives, IEP goals, and instructional needs. While the curriculum in these courses comes from the Kirkwood content area course curriculum, alternative curricula/programs may be utilized to meet the student’s unique needs. 
  • Resource Classes: Courses in which specially designed instruction addresses areas of need identified through the IEP process (e.g., social-emotional/social behavioral skills, social-communication skills, executive function skills). 
  • Community-Based Vocational Instruction: A continuum of onsite and offsite courses is available to support student work on job skills (hard and soft skills) and assist students in building skills to get and keep a job.
  • Essential Skills Classes: Functional academic and life skills classes utilize alternative curricula and specialized programs to address areas of concern and build foundational skills and independence.
  • Transition Program Life Skills: Students who have met graduation requirements but continue to need support to meet IEP goals participate in life skills courses and community-based volunteer opportunities.

Additional special education services (e.g., Adaptive PE) and related services (e.g., OT, PT, speech/language therapy, social work counseling) are also available at KHS for students who require the support per their IEP. 

Contact your child’s case manager for more information or questions about special education services and support.