Grading Systems and Policies
- Cum Laude: 3.0 - 3.49
- Magna Cum Laude: 3.5 - 3.9
- Summa Cum Laude: 4.0+
- Kirkwood High School uses a four point (weighted) grading system.
- Grades of A, B, C, D, and P are passing grades.
- A grade of “F” carries no credit.
- A Pass (“P”) grade may be used for special and/or extenuating circumstances and must be approved by the grade level administration and counselor.
- Pass grades are not used in computing grade-point averages.
- A student who receives an “F” in a required subject must repeat and pass that course to fulfill graduation requirements.
- Students who choose to retake a course at Kirkwood High School in which they have previously failed, will earn the “new” grade and will be calculated into the student’s GPA. The original grade (F) is removed from the student’s transcript and is not calculated into the student’s GPA.
- If a student receives an “I” (Incomplete) for a course and does not finish the required work within six weeks, it will be converted into an F.
- If a student wishes to re-take a course in which the student has earned a “D -” or better, administrative approval must be granted to replace the initial grade with the “new” grade.
- Class must be taken as an enhancement class.
- Course placement will be considered on an individual basis.
- Kirkwood High School will award credit to transfer students for courses completed at an approved accredited educational institution that has been accredited by Cognia. Coursework completed through non-accredited institutions or programs will not appear on the Kirkwood High School official transcript.
- Students transferring to Kirkwood will have their GPA recalculated based on KHS courses and grading system. This is especially true for weighted courses.
- Weighted credit will only be issued for courses offered through KHS.
KHS Grading: System
Grade Values
A = 4.00
A -= 4.00
B+ = 3.50
B = 3.00
B- = 3.00
C+ = 2.50
C = 2.00
C- = 2.00
D+ = 1.50
D = 1.00
D- = 1.00
P = 0
F = 0
I = 0
Grading Scales
A = 93-100
A -= 90-92
B+ = 88-89
B = 83-87
B- = 80-82
C+ = 78-79
C = 73-77
C- = 70-72
D+ = 68-69
D = 63-67
D- = 60-62
F = 59 and below
P = Pass, Credit Given
P = No Grade Point Value
KHS Grading: System for Honors
Grade Values
A = 4.33
A -= 4.33
B+ = 3.83
B = 3.33
B- = 3.33
C+ = 2.83
C = 2.33
C- = 2.33
D+ = 1.50
D = 1.00
D- = 1.00
F = 0
I = 0
Grading Scales
A = 93-100
A -= 90-92
B+ = 88-89
B = 83-87
B- = 80-82
C+ = 78-79
C = 73-77
C- = 70-72
D+ = 68-69
D = 63-67
D- = 60-62
F = 59 and below
P = Pass, Credit Given
P = No Grade Point Value
KHS Grading: System for Advanced Placement
Grade Values
A = 4.50
A -= 4.50
B+ = 4.00
B = 3.50
B- = 3.50
C+ = 3.00
C = 2.50
C- = 2.50
D+ = 1.50
D = 1.00
D- = 1.00
F = 0
I = 0
Grading Scales
A = 93-100
A -= 90-92
B+ = 88-89
B = 83-87
B- = 80-82
C+ = 78-79
C = 73-77
C- = 70-72
D+ = 68-69
D = 63-67
D- = 60-62
F = 59 and below
P = Pass, Credit Given
P = No Grade Point Value