MSHSAA Academic Requirements for High School Students
2.3.1 Statement of Philosophy -- Participation in high school activities is a valuable educational experience and should not be looked upon as a reward for academic success. Students with low academic ability need the educational development provided through participation in activities as much as students with average or above average ability. Activity participation should be for all enrolled students making appropriate progress toward graduation and otherwise in good standing. Each local board of education is encouraged to establish criteria to ensure that students who are participating in MSHSAA activities are satisfactorily progressing toward meeting the local graduation requirements.
2.3.2 Grades 9-12 Requirements: A student in Grades 9-12 must meet the following requirements in order to be academically eligible to participate in interscholastic activities:
a. Semester Prior to Participation: The student shall have earned, the preceding semester of attendance, a minimum of 3.0 units of credit or have earned credit in 80% of the maximum allowable classes in which a student can be enrolled in the semester, whichever is greater, or a student must have made standard progress for his or her level the preceding semester in a special education program for the handicapped approved by the Missouri State Department of Education which, though un-graded, enrolls pupils of equivalent age.
b. Semester of Participation: The student shall currently be enrolled in and regularly attending courses that offer 3.0 units of credit or 80% of the maximum allowable credits which may be earned, whichever is greater; or a student must be enrolled in a full course at his or her level in a special education program for the handicapped approved by the Missouri State Department of Education which, though un-graded, enrolls pupils of equivalent age.
c. 80% Credit Requirement: The calculation of the credit requirement described in a-1 and a-2 above for all enrolled students at the school shall be based on the maximum allowable classes in which a student can be enrolled at the member school during the normal school day due to the academic system that the member school has selected (7-hour day, block schedule, etc.) Credits earned in school-sponsored “extra” classes taken beyond the normal school day may be used toward academic eligibility. Internet classes offered by and at the member school and which are completed no later than the close of the semester with credit placed on the student’s transcript can be counted toward academic eligibility. (See also By-Law 2.3.4 regarding other courses that may be utilized.)
d. Entry into 9th Grade: A beginning 9th grade student shall have been promoted from the 8th grade to the 9th grade for first semester eligibility.
e. A student must be making satisfactory progress towards graduation as determined by local school policies.
Academic Schedule | Credits earned must be equal 3.0 or 80%, whichever is GREATER |
Six-period Day (.5 each) | Must pass 6 of 6 (3.0) |
Seven-period day (.5 each) | Must pass 6 of 7 (3.0)--KHS |
Eight-block schedule (.5 each) | Must pass 7 of 8 (3.5) |
Four-block schedule (1.0 each) | Must pass 4 of 4 (4.0) |
Ten-block schedule (.5 each) | Must pass 8 of 10 (4.0) |
2.3.4 Grades 9-12 Enrollment Options for Academic Eligibility: The following options are available to students in order to meet the requirements of By-Law 2.3.2.a and b above.
a. Traditional Option: A student may meet the requirements outlined in By-Law 2.3.2 through being enrolled and attending classes full-time at the high school.
b. Non-Traditional Option 1 – Transcripted Credits: A student may meet the requirements outlined in By-Law 2.3.2 through meeting ALL of the following:
- The student is an enrolled student of the high school, but all or some of the courses/credits are not taken at the local high school (virtual, post-secondary, work study, etc.),
- All credits attempted/earned are placed on the high school transcript,
- All classes must be completed by the high school’s close of the semester, as per By-Law 2.3.11, in order for those classes/credits to be considered toward activity eligibility.
c. Non-Traditional Option 2 (Public Schools Only) – Seat-Time + Non-Transcripted Credits: A student may meet the requirements outlined in By-Law 2.3.2 through meeting ALL of the following:
- The student is an enrolled student of the public high school of residence, as defined in By-Law 3.10, and is taking a minimum of two credit-bearing, seat-time classes for a minimum of 1.0 units of credit at the high school, and
- The high school administration confirms after a full academic review that the student is further enrolled in courses taken outside of the school which bring the student up to the academic credit requirements outlined in By-Law 2.3.2 (80%). Each local school will determine its own oversight, standards, and criteria for approval of such outside courses/credits, as well as the procedures to determine success/credit confirmation for academic eligibility for the current and following semester. It is not necessary that such confirmed credits be placed on the high school transcript, but may be listed, at the school’s discretion.
- All classes/assignments must be completed by the high school’s close of the semester, as per By-Law 2.3.11, in order for those classes/credits to be considered toward activity eligibility.
d. Transfer of Enrollment based on Changes in Bona-fide Student and Academic Status: Any student whose enrollment status changes from being a non-bona fide student (not meeting By-Law 2.1 and one of the 9-12 Enrollment Options) to being a bona fide student (meeting By-Law 2.1 and one of the 9-12 Enrollment Options) would be considered a transfer student (see By-Law 3.10.4), and ineligible to represent a member school until a transfer of eligibility form is filed and an eligibility ruling is rendered.
2.3.5 Grades 9-12 Summer School: Secondary school-sponsored summer courses may count toward maintaining senior high academic eligibility for the FALL semester provided the following requirements are met:
a. The counting of secondary school-sponsored summer school credits must first be approved by the local school administration.
b. Credit earned for the summer school course is placed on the student’s school transcript and counts towards graduation.
c. The course must be a class identified by the local school board/governing body as required for graduation/promotion requirements.
d. Electives taken in any of the four core content areas (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) may be counted toward this requirement of academic eligibility.
e. Online courses may not count as summer school credit, unless they meet the requirements of By-Law 2.3.4.a (taken at the high school) or 2.3.4.b (placed on the transcript), and all online courses must be completed on or before July 31.
f. No more than one credit earned in summer school shall count toward maintaining academic eligibility.
2.3.9 Fifth Day Requirement - Gaining Eligibility: A student who was academically ineligible the preceding semester (high school) or grading period (junior high) but meets the academic standard at the close of that semester (high school) or grading period (junior high) becomes eligible the fifth day classes are attended in the succeeding semester (high school) or grading period (junior high). Exception: If an interscholastic contest is played before the formal opening of school and a student has become academically eligible for the fall semester/grading period and is eligible in all other respects he/she may be eligible to participate under this provision provided the student is properly enrolled in school.
2.3.10 Fifth Day Requirement - Losing Eligibility: A student who becomes academically ineligible shall lose the privilege to represent the school the fifth day classes are attended in the succeeding semester (high school) or grading period (junior high). Exception: If a student becomes academically ineligible for the fall semester (high school) or first grading period (junior high) he/she is ineligible for all activities beginning with the first event.
2.3.11 Incomplete at Close of Semester: Credit earned or completed after the close of the school’s semester shall not count as having been earned that semester, except in case of illness verified by a physician. This rule is automatically waived in case a student fails to complete the required units of credit in a given semester because of his being drafted or being called to service in the National Guard or military service.
2.3.13 Alternative Schedules: The Board of Directors shall have the authority to determine the academic standards students shall meet in a school which does not have a traditional two-semester school year. Any changes approved shall be equitable for all students.
For further interpretation of athletic eligibility requirements, please contact your counselor or the athletic office.
To see the MSHSAA Handbook, click here.