Other Miscellaneous Opportunities
- Work Study
- Cadet Teach
- Office Assistant
- Grade 9 Study Block
- Study Block
- IP (Independent Period)
- Off Campus
Work Study
Work Study
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Credit: Up to 2 Elective Credits per year
Prerequisite: None
The Kirkwood High School Work Study Program provides students an opportunity to meet their academic requirements for graduation while gaining valuable work experience. Through this employment experience, students will build the knowledge, skills and self-confidence to be successful in higher education, in the workplace, and in life. Students participating in this program will attend their academic classes daily and be gainfully employed during non-school hours. Students must be 15 years of age with a valid work permit to earn work study credit at KHS. Students must present verification of work hours directly from the employer. Verification should include the name of the company, students name and the number of hours worked. Students may earn up to 2.0 credits per academic school year not to exceed 8.0 total credits.
- Work hours from June to May of the current school year can be used towards earning work study credit.
- The Career Management course must be completed in addition to turning in the work hours.
*Please note that any student 15 years of age or younger will be required to obtain a worker’s permit.
Cadet Teach
Cadet Teach (First Semester: EL209A/Second Semester EL209B)
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Course Credit: .25 Elective Credit with Pass Fail
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: Successfully completed the course with a B or above and signature of instructor
The content of this course depends upon the choice of disciplines. A student may apply to work in any course providing the student has already successfully completed the course (See Prerequisite). Students will assist the teacher in class, occasionally lead class discussions, work with small groups, or do routine tasks normally expected of a teacher. Students can earn up to 15 tutoring or mentoring hours towards the A+ Program requirements.
Office Assistant
Office Assistant (First Semester: EL210A/Second Semester EL210B)
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Course Credit: .25 Elective Credit with Pass Fail
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: Signature of counselor and office staff per semester
Students assist office personnel in delivering messages, filing and other business tasks. Students are trained in daily office procedures. Students use their time to study when their services are not needed.
Grade 9 Study Block
Grade 9 Study Block (First Semester: NC100A/Second Semester NC100B)
Grade: 9
Course Credit: No credit
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: None
The transition to high school can be difficult for some ninth grade students due to a heavier academic work load and adjustment to a new social setting. The Gr9 Study Block period is recommended for all ninth graders in lieu of a seventh course. Students choosing a study block can receive tutoring, complete homework or do additional research during this time.
Study Block
Study Block (First Semester: NC200A/Second Semester NC200B)
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Course Credit: No credit
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Students have the option of choosing a study block to receive tutoring, complete homework or do additional research. Study Block is recommended for students who struggle academically and/or need school time to visit labs or meet with teachers.
IP (Independent Period)
IP (Independent Period)
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Course Credit: No credit
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: 3.2 GPA
Students who earn a 3.2 grade point average the previous quarter are placed in IP rather than Study Block. Students must sign in at the Library and have the ability to work in various, designated areas during the assigned period.
Off Campus
Off Campus (See course numbers below)
Grade: 11, 12
Course Credit: No credit
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: None
Grade 12: Students who are eligible for an Off Campus hour must be in 12th grade, have a good academic standing and must have earned 20 credits before senior year begins. Parent/Guardian approval is required.
Grade 11 = Period 1 or Period 7 only: 11th graders have the option of first period OR seventh period Off Campus but not both. Only one per same semester. Students who are eligible must have a good academic standing and must have earned 14 credits before junior year begins. Parent/Guardian approval is required.
Course numbers:
- Period 1 (First semester: NC401A / Second semester: NC401B)
- Period 2 (First semester: NC402A / Second semester: NC402B)
- Period 3 (First semester: NC403A / Second semester: NC403B)
- Period 4 (First semester: NC404A / Second semester: NC404B)
- Period 5 (First semester: NC405A / Second semester: NC405B)
- Period 6 (First semester: NC406A / Second semester: NC406B)
- Period 7 (First semester: NC407A / Second semester: NC407B)