Schedule Change (Add/Drop) Policy
A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into developing student schedules from the requested and alternate courses. We believe it is important for students to take the registration process seriously and want them to be responsible for the decisions they make about the courses they request for the upcoming year. Therefore, we will provide numerous opportunities for students and parents to work with teachers and counselors during the course selection process to verify the requests. Once students receive their schedules, schedule changes will only be permitted for the following reasons:
- The student has been misplaced (the class is above/below student’s comprehension level per teacher recommendation, or does not have prerequisites).
- The student has already taken the class and passed it.
- The student had the teacher previously and there is a documented behavior conflict.
- The student had the teacher in a previous class and failed.
- The student has an incomplete schedule.
After the first three days of the semester, students must complete an Add/Drop form from the Guidance office in order to change a course. Signatures from the parent, student, teacher, and administrator are required for approval.
If a course is dropped during the first quarter of the semester, no record of the student’s enrollment in the course is made. If a course is dropped after the first quarter of the semester, the grade is recorded on their transcript as an F.
Students that drop an AP or Honors level course into a regular course must be aware of the following grading policies:
- Drops within the first ten (10) days of the semester: Students will move into a regular section of study with no transfer of grade. Students will be responsible for making up work that the teachers deem necessary.
- Drops after ten (10) days of the semester (prior to end of quarter): Students will move into the regular section of the course. Any grades that were documented/earned in AP/Honors will transfer as is. Weights will not be added to the students grades if transferring out of an AP or Honors class. Transfer of grades will be facilitated and coordinated by counselors/teachers. Students will be provided any material missed while enrolled in AP/Honors level course that will be needed to show mastery in passing the course.