Tech School
South Tech High School (South Tech AM: PA311A/B / South Tech PM: PA315A/B)
Grade: 11, 12
Course Credit: 3 Elective Credits per year
Prerequisite: Varies by measure
Grade 11 and 12 students may enroll in South Tech High School in St. Louis County in cooperation with Kirkwood High School on a half-day basis. Students may apply for acceptance to a morning or afternoon session that specializes in a specific career skill. The core curricular subjects are taken at Kirkwood High School for the balance of the day. The credit earned through Tech School will be entered in the Kirkwood transcript under South Tech High School.
For more information, please contact your guidance counselor or go to
Technical Elective Majors are listed below.
- Audo Collision Repair
- Automotive Technology
- Carpentry (Seniors Only)
- Cisco Networking Academy
- Construction Innovations/First Year Construction Rotation (COI)
- Construction Trades (Seniors Only)
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Dental Sciences
- Design and Entrepreneurship
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Trades (Seniors Only)
- Electronics and Robotics Engineering
- Firefighting and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Floor Layers Middle Apprenticeship (Seniors Only)
- Graphic Design
- Health Sciences
- Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) (Seniors Only)
- Law Enforcement
- Pharmacy Sciences
- Precision Machining
- Veterinary Assistant
- Web and Computer Programming
- Welding
Audo Collision Repair
Students will learn to repair and restore vehicles to "like new" condition. Instruction is provided in body straightening and alignment to meet factory specifications, repair of damaged panels, and replacement of component parts, welding, refinishing and painting, estimating damage costs, and preparation of damage reports. Emphasis is placed on a workshop environment and a good work ethic.
College Credit Offered: Ranken & State Technical College: College credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Certifications Offered: Automobile Service Excellence (ASE) Student Certification in Nonstructural/Paint & Refinishing; S/P2 Safety Certification; I-Car Prolevel 1: Non Structural Repair; I-Car Prolevel 1: Painting and Refinishing
Automotive Technology
The Automotive Technology program follows the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certification curriculum. Students will learn to diagnose and repair the advanced computerized control systems on today's vehicles. The curriculum covers the following topics: Tire and wheel service, Alignment service, Brakes, Steering and suspension, Electronic systems, Engine repair and performance, Vehicle safety inspection, Heating and Air Conditioning, and Drivetrain service. Students will complete instruction in SP/2 training in mechanical safety, automotive pollution prevention, resume writing, interview skills, and ethics.
College Credit Offered: Ranken & State Technical College: College credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Certifications Offered: Automobile Service Excellence (ASE) Student Certification in Brakes, Electrical, Engine Performance, Suspension; S/P2 Safety Certification; Snap-On Certification; EPA 609
Carpentry (Seniors Only)
The Carpentry curriculum is a thorough guide to basic skills training. Each unit is divided into sections covering vocabulary, additional resources, as well as suggested learning and assessment activities. Students must also complete and demonstrate proficiency in OSHA 10, CPR, First-Aid, and WorkKeys to obtain the certificate. Safety issues, professionalism, and green practices are reinforced throughout the course.
College Credit Offered: Ranken & State Technical College: College credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Apprenticeship Credit Offered: Carpenter’s Joint Apprenticeship Training Program, Students who successfully complete the Career Connections Level 3 certifications will obtain two units of elective credit.
Certifications Offered: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Construction Industry Certification, CPR
Cisco Networking Academy
This course is designed to help prepare the student to meet the certification requirements to become a Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA). Students would learn how to design, build, and maintain computer networks. They will also create, manipulate, and copy router configurations through a combination of web-based e-learning and hands-on labs.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC • St. Charles Community College, 25 credits • Jefferson College, 5 credits • State Technical College of Missouri: Credit by exam for prior learning • Ranken Technical College: Credit by exam for prior learning
Certifications Offered: CompTIA A+ Certification, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certification, Cisco Student Certification
Construction Innovations/First Year Construction Rotation (COI)
This course encompasses the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students who are interested in working in the trades need to master, regardless of their trade-specific choice. These studies incorporate various construction-related topics within a flexible scheduling system for a student's first year. Students will select quarter-long courses in H.V.A.C., Carpentry, General Construction, Floor Laying, Welding, and Electrical Trades. The program competencies are a guide to basic construction skills training. The program covers safety issues, tool identification/usage, trade-specific vocabulary, construction math, and professionalism. Students are exposed to classroom academics, hands-on competencies in the building trades, and life skills.
Certifications Offered: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Construction Industry Certification
Construction Trades (Seniors Only)
This program provides an overview of various aspects of the construction field. Students will engage in individual projects as well as team projects to promote work ethics, communication skills and leadership abilities. Students will learn basic blueprint reading, plumbing, electrical, landscaping, carpentry, and general facilities maintenance, concrete flat work, residential carpentry framing, drywall installation, basic flooring skills, and various finishing procedures.
College Credit Offered: Ranken Technical College - college credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Certifications Offered: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Construction Industry Certification, CPR
The Cosmetology curriculum is the same as those used by private cosmetology schools, following Missouri State Board of Cosmetology guidelines. Students will learn theory and gain practical experience with customers in a salon environment. Instruction is provided in hair analysis, treatment, coloring, cutting, and styling techniques. Facials, nail care, anatomy, physiology, and salon management are also covered. Students will take the state board's comprehensive licensure examination upon completing this curriculum and the additional practices, test review, and attainment of the required 1220 hours of instruction.
- Students MUST begin this program at the start of their junior year - no mid-year or senior enrollment is available.
- Attendance requirements must be maintained to ensure eligibility for the Missouri State Board of Certification exam.
Certifications Offered: Cosmetology Missouri State Board of Certification; Barbicide Certification
Culinary Arts
The Culinary Arts Program is accredited by the American Culinary Federation's Educational Foundation (ACF). Students are taught in a commercial kitchen to learn kitchen safety and sanitation, food preparation, service, and participate in catering events. The two-year program provides the students the opportunities to earn Certified Fundamentals Cook Certification, ServSafe Food Handler and ServSafe Managerial certifications from the National Restaurant Association. Students may also become CPR and first-aid certified, as well as earn articulated college credit. Opportunities are available for job shadowing, internships, and competitions such as SkillsUSA.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC • Sullivan University, 3 credits • Johnson and Wales University, 13.25 quarter hours • Robert Morris University, 9.25 quarter hours • Southwestern Illinois College, 8 credits
Certifications Offered: American Culinary Federation Certification • ServSafe Food Handler • ServSafe Food Manager • CPR • NOCTI-ACF (written and hands-on) • NOCTI-Prep Cook
Dental Sciences
Students will learn dental examination, treatment, radiographic and laboratory procedures, patient scheduling, and record maintenance. Instruction is also provided in infection control and hazard management, chair-side assistance, emergency and preventive procedures, dental specialties, and office administration. Seniors become CPR certified and take the Missouri Basic Skills exam, and may participate in a clinical internship. Upon completion of the program, and two years of full-time work experience, students may take the National Board Exam to become a certified dental assistant.
College Credit Offered: Missouri Baptist University, Dual Credit, 8 credits
Certifications Offered: Dental Assisting National Board, Missouri Test of Basic Dental Assisting Skills; Permit to Assist the Administration of and Monitor Nitrous Oxide Analgesia; CPR Certification; OSHA-10 Healthcare Certification
Design and Entrepreneurship
The Design and Entrepreneurship program will introduce students to a collaborative studio culture that will explore aspects of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) through lessons, research, and hands-on projects. Embedded in this curriculum are practical applications of math, science, English, and cultural proficiency. Makers will learn and apply principles and methods of entrepreneurship through completing the Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) lessons, activities and competitions guiding students to develop a business proposal that addresses a need in their community. This program will cultivate a “maker mentality” that values self-discipline as students pursue self-directed work. Students will learn and apply the principles of design thinking to both identify and solve problems working individually and as a team. Students will be immersed in the local entrepreneurship community through participating in events, competitions and presenting their work to other entrepreneurs.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC
Certifications Offered: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Certification; Certiport Entrepreneurship and Small Business Certification; Autodesk (Autocad)
Early Childhood Education
Students will study teaching in a preschool setting for 2-5-year-old children, rotating through curriculum development, lesson preparation, teaching, and supervisory duties. Instruction includes child development, guidance and discipline techniques, health and safety procedures, licensing, program evaluation, professionalism, and relating to families. The students also learn to provide an enriched, safe, and appropriate environment to meet the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs of small children. Seniors will have the opportunity to work on portfolio preparation for Child Development Association (CDA) or participate in a Work-based program (Internship, shadowing, etc.).
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC
Certifications Offered: American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) – Early Childhood Certification; CPR and First Aid Certifications; ServSafe Food Handler Certification; Child Development Associate Credential
Electrical Trades (Seniors Only)
The Electrical Trades curriculum allows students the opportunity to learn how to design, stage, and install commercial and residential electrical wiring for power and telecommunications systems. The skills taught may include blueprint interpretation, layout, design, and programming equipment. In addition, an emphasis will be placed on logical thinking.
College Credit Offered: American Trade School, up to $3,000.00 in Tuition Reduction to be applied equally over the two academic years • Ranken Technical College and State Technical College - college credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Certifications Offered: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Construction Industry Certification; CPR and First Aid Certification
Electronics and Robotics Engineering
This program will introduce students to the fundamentals of integrating electronic and mechanical components and control systems to create automated processes. The ERE program combines robotics, control systems, and electromechanical systems to fully immerse students into the growing field of Mechatronics. Students will cultivate their curiosity toward creative problem-solving, design, and mechanics to increase their knowledge of electronics, robotics, automated manufacturing, and computer-aided design.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC; State Technical College of Missouri: Credit by exam for prior learning
Certifications Offered: International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians (ISCET) – 4 certifications in DC Electronics, AC Electronics, Semiconductor, Digital Electronics
Firefighting and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
The Fire Fighting program is certified as a fire academy by the Missouri Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Safety. The fire fighting instruction includes basic life support, firefighting tactics and strategies, equipment familiarization, and usage. The program adheres to MO Division of Fire, American Heart Association, and FEMA curriculums. Students can earn AHA Heartsaver CPR, Missouri Firefighter 1 and 2, Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations, and NIMS 100, 200, and 700. Students will learn rescue procedures, firefighting, and suppression techniques, including fire suppression experience in the St Louis County Fire Academy fire tower. Qualified juniors have the option of moving into the EMT program.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC; Southwestern Illinois College: Up to 6 credits
Certifications Offered: Fire I and Fire II certifications • Emergency Medical Technician Basic certification through National Registry • National First Responder certification • Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations certification • AHA Heartsaver CPR and First Aid • FEMA Incident Command System 100, 200, 700
Floor Layers Middle Apprenticeship (Seniors Only)
This course will introduce students to flooring safety, tools, and installation methods. They will explore the many elements of job site preparation, as well as a variety of materials used within the flooring industry. Students will learn estimating, blueprint reading, covering removal, surface preparation, layouts, and installation techniques for carpeting, ceramic tile, hardwood, and resilient flooring. Students will enhance their skills in the four facets of flooring through independent and small group projects.
Apprenticeship Credit Offered: U.S. Department of Labor Journey Level Certificate: Students completing the program will be able to articulate this certificate into college credit with Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana. With an additional 15 hours/5 courses, the student will earn an Associates Degree in Applied Science.
Certifications Offered: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Construction Industry Certification, CPR
Graphic Design
Students will learn to design for advertising, publishing, and display purposes. Instruction is provided in design, typography, production and camera-ready art, computer graphics, and personal portfolio preparation. One quarter is spent in printing technology cross-training to develop an understanding of the interaction required between design and production in the graphic communications industry. This program is Print ED Certified and nationally accredited by the Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC
Certifications Offered: Adobe Certifications in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop
Health Sciences
Students in the Health Sciences program learn the skills necessary for a foundation in healthcare. Through a combination of classroom activities and actual on-the-job clinical experiences in nursing homes and hospitals, students learn human anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, disease processes, CPR, first aid, vital signs, human relations skills, and basic healthcare skills.
Program Requirements: Students MUST begin this program at the start of their junior year - no mid-year or senior enrollment is available. The program requires that students are up to date on all vaccinations and have a physical prior to entering the program. Students must meet all vaccination requirements of our clinical providers including the Covid-19 Vaccination, Varicella, and Hepatitis A. An SSN is required by the state to participate to take the CNA certification exam. Students must also receive a clean background check and drug screen prior to participation in clinicals.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC • Missouri Baptist University, Dual Credit, 8 credits • State Technical College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at State Tech
Certifications Offered: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) – State of Missouri certification • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) –10 hour General Industry – Healthcare Certification • CPR
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) (Seniors Only)
This program follows HVAC industry standards. Students will have the opportunity to take and earn the EPA 608 certification. Students will learn general shop safety, electrical high and low voltage, sheet metal fabrication, tubing and piping techniques, gas and electric heating systems, basic air conditioning and refrigeration cycle, service and installation practices, indoor air quality, and employability skills.
College Credit Offered: American Trade School: up to $3,000.00 in Tuition Reduction to be applied equally over the two academic years • Ranken and State Technical College: Credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Certifications Offered: •Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – 10 hour Construction Industry Certification • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – 608, Refrigeration Handling certification • CPR and First Aid Certification
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement prepares students for careers in Law Enforcement. Topics for the course include; law enforcement history, crime awareness, causes of crime, criminal justice system, trial proceedings, corrections system, juvenile justice, arrest procedures, policies and ethics of law enforcement officers, procedures relating to traffic investigations and evidence collecting and handling, patrol tactics and investigative work, and basic computer skills. Students will conduct mock crime scene investigations, mock trials and identify the roles and responsibilities of the emergency tele-communicators.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC
Certifications Offered: International Academies of Emergency Dispatch • Emergency Tele-communicator Certification • CPR and First Aid • OSHA for Law Enforcement • FEMA Incident Command System 100, 200, 700
Pharmacy Sciences
Pharmacy Sciences is a two-year course that will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a pharmacy technician. Units of study include: medications, federal requirements, patient safety and quality assurance, order entry and processing, knowledge and skills in the field of pharmacy, sterile and non-sterile compounding, and customer service.
Program Requirements: Some vaccinations may be required to participate in field trips, shadowing appointments, and/or internships. These will vary depending on the requirements of the employers/institutions involved.
College Credit Offered: Missouri Baptist University, Dual Credit, 8 credits
Certifications Offered: PassAssured • Missouri Pharmacy Technician License, OSHA 10 hour, CPR
Precision Machining
Instruction includes precision measurement and inspection techniques, blueprint reading and drawing, quality control, and the operation of lathes, grinders, drill presses, power saws, and milling machines to manufacture metal parts to meet precise specifications. Students will also learn computer aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology, computer numerically controlled (CNC) precision machine operation, and programming in an apprenticeship setting.
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC; Ranken & State Technical College: College credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment.
Certifications Offered: National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) – Measurement, Materials & Safety Certification, Job Planning, Benchwork & Layout Certification
Veterinary Assistant
Students will learn animal handling, diagnostics, examination, and treatment procedures in a simulated clinical, boarding, and grooming facility. Instruction is provided in medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, nutrition and behavior, diseases and parasites, sterilization, handling and restraining, grooming and bathing, patient examination, and surgical and treatment procedures. This course is integrated with zoology, allowing students to earn a credit in science. Emphasis is placed on the physical care of animals. Office procedures, patient scheduling, and records maintenance are also covered.
College Credit Offered: Jefferson College, 2 credits
Certifications Offered: Certified Vet Assistant – State of Missouri Vet Med Association
Web and Computer Programming
The curriculum parallels computer programming courses taught at the college level. Students will learn program logic and design, analysis of program goals, and problem-solving skills. They will test programs and maintain a variety of operating and information systems. Coding assignments will be constructed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, and Python. Students can earn Microsoft Certifications for Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS (MTA 98-383), Software Development Fundamentals (MTA 98-361), and Introduction to Programming Using Python (MTA 98-381).
College Credit Offered: St. Louis Community College: Students may be eligible for college credit through the credit for prior learning process at STLCC; Ranken & State Technical College: College credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment.
Certifications Offered: HTML/CSS; Python; Javascript; C#; HTML/CSS Python
Students will learn a wide range of skills applicable to many metal fabrication industries, including aerospace, construction, manufacturing, repair, machining, and shop safety. Instruction will be provided in the following: blueprint reading, metal fabrication, cutting, layout and fit up, inspection and testing techniques, Gas Metal Arc Welding, Flux Cored Arc Welding. Shielded metal arc Welding, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding; Oxy-fuel, manual and CNC plasma arc, and carbon-arc cutting and gouging procedures are covered.
College Credit Offered: Ranken Technical College and State Technical College - college credit opportunities exist through credit for prior learning or credit by assessment
Certifications Offered: American Welding Society (AWS) – multiple entry-level welding certifications available • S/P2 Safety Certification • OSHA-10