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Friendship Dance Dress Code

The Friendship Dance is billed as a semi-formal event. Please help your student keep the following dress code guidelines in mind while preparing for the dance.

Semi-formal means no hats or t-shirts may be worn.

No jeans of any color may be worn.

We understand some dresses will be strapless or spaghetti-strapped; this is fine but please keep in ming this is a school activity and we want you to dress appropriately Also, be mindful of low cut dresses in the back or the front.

Dress slacks (pants must be worn in an appropriate manner), collared dress shirt or sweater, necktie (traditional or bow), dress shoes or boots are encouraged. A suit or sport coat is neither required nor encouraged.

Please keep these requirements in mind when dressing for this activity. We hope everyone has a fun and safe evening.

Thank you for your help!